Ok Before I start, id rather people replied to me through PM or not at all. Id rather not have the thread cluttered with non relevant posts. if you are going to post, make it to the point and not off topic.
Hello. I?m Starbucks and I?m going to take you on one of my many Adventures into the world of Pokemon. Let?s get going!
I woke up on the morning of my 11th birthday anxious to get going. Today was going to be my first day as a Pokemon trainer. I had to go and find Professor Oak first though. I live in a small village called Pallet Town. It is the South west of a country called Kanto. My name is Kirby. I have studied Pokemon for my entire life, and after my brother picked a brand new Pokemon 3 years ago he has gone on to become one of the best trainers in the world with 7 badges. His team was tough. I wanted to emulate him in every single way.
However, to do that I must overcome my arch rival and next door neighbour, Robert. He is Professor Oak?s grandson and has been working with Pokemon for longer than I have. I had often sat on the Outskirts of Pallet town and looked into the distance to see wild Pokemon living and playing together. I have always wanted to train them. I want to be the best. Through all of my research from my brother?s team to encyclopaedias and asking my Dad questions, I have formulated an almost perfect team. However it would take me a long time to reach for that team. I withdrew the Potion I had stored in the PC and left the house.
I headed out to Professor Oak?s laboratory in the south east of Pallet town. He wasn?t there, but one of his Aides said he was working out on Route One. So I headed to the north of the village to see if I could see him. I had never ventured out into the grass before, but I had to. Suddenly Someone Shouted form behind me.
?Hey! Wait! Don?t go out! Wild Pokemon live in long grass! I turned around. Prof Oak was running towards me.
?You need your own Pokemon for your own protection! I know, here come with me!?
I followed him to the Lab. When we got there Robert was already waiting. He had the same birthday as me.
?Great? I thought. ?He is bound to pick the starter who is better than mine??
As Oak reached a desk with 3 Poke balls on, Robert started to complain.
?C?mon Gramps! I?m fed up with waiting!? Oak responded with
?Robert? Let me think?O I remember now. I told you to come. Just wait? I could see Roberts face screw up at the thought of waiting much longer. I stifled a laugh. Oak continued
?Here, Kirby. There are three Pokemon here. The Pokemon are held inside these Poke balls. When I was young I was a serious Pokemon trainer. But now in my old age, I only have these three left. You can have one. Go on! Chose!?

Robert jumped in.
?Hey, wait up! What about me?!? Oak replied, ?Just be patient you can have one too!?
I walked over to the desk and read about each Pokemon. There was a Grass type, Bulbasaur which looked like dinosaur with a seedling on its back.
Next there was a Squirtle, a Water type that looked like a turtle,
and finally a Charmander, a Fire type, that looked like a baby dragon.
I thought about it for a moment and about what my brother had had to face in the first gym. Brock, he used Rock type. My brother had an easy time beating him as he had chosen Bulbasaur. Grass types are strong against rock types. Water was also strong against Rock. But I wanted to have a challenge, so I picked the fire type, Charmander. Immediately Robert walked over and grabbed the Squirtle Poke ball. Water is strong against Fire. But I hoped the Pokemon weren?t at very high levels?.I tried to leave, but Robert yelled after me,
?Wait, Kirby! Let?s check out our Pokemon! C?mon I?ll take you on!?
I had learnt form my Brother how to battle effectively. So I knew I could beat him. I hoped. I also had the potion to use if necessary.
?Go! Squirtle!? he shouted.
?Let?s go Charmander!? I responded. The Pokemon were small. But they looked tough.
?Charmander! Scratch!? Charmander launched himself at Squirtle. Squirtle took the hit, and got up.
?Squirtle! Tackle!? Robert shouted. Squirtle launched a full body attack at Charmander. Charmander took the hit. I told him to use Scratch again; Squirtle was now approaching half HP (Hit points).
?Squirtle, Tail Whip!? Squirtle turned and waved his tail at Charmander. This caused Charmander?s Defence to fall by one point. After 2 more turns, Charmander was on 3 HP. I needed to be faster on my final turn to win. If I missed I lost. Scratch hit. Squirtle tried to get up, but couldn?t. Robert withdrew him. Charmander gained 70EXP points and grew to level 6! Robert responded with,
?WHAT? Unbelievable! I picked the wrong Pokemon! Fine. I?ll battle my Pokemon lots to make it tough! Kirby, Gramps, Smell ya later!? With that he ran out of the Lab. I walked out of the Lab and went to see my mom.
She healed my Pokemon for me, and I headed out onto Route 1. I had to head north to Viridian City. It had a Gym and a Pokemon Centre and a PokeMart where I could buy Poke Balls to capture wild Pokemon! As I headed up Route 1, I talked to the people who littered the route. One was form a PokeMart and gave me a free potion! I carried on walking through the grass when a Pidgey appeared!
?Charmander, Go!? I said. The battle was short. I beat the Pidgey and gained more experience. However it had weakened Charmander and I decided to run form my next battle, a Level 2 Rattata. When I reached Viridian city, my first call was the Pokemon Centre to make sure Charmander could battle more. I then headed to the PokeMart. The man at the counted shouted at me.
?Hey, you are from Pallet Town right??
?Yes? I answered
?You know Prof Oak??
?Yes, what do you need done??
?His order came in. Can you take it to him? We don?t have anyone to go to pallet own at such short notice?
?Sure? I replied and wondered what Oak had ordered. I guessed it could be something special. I headed out of the mart and headed back south to Pallet Town. It was much faster going back as you could jump over the walls that were across the route. I ran into a Lv 2 Rattata and beat it easily.
Charmander grew to Lv 7 and learnt Ember. A not so powerful Fire type move. It would come in useful in my next battle. I came across another Rattata and decided to use the Ember move. It caused the Rattata to faint on the first hit. It was surprisingly strong!
I reached Oak?s Lab and he asked about my Pokemon. I showed him Charmander.
?It seems to be growing more attached to you. You must be talented as a Pokemon trainer? I turned and got the parcel out of my Bag. ?What?s that? You have something for me? Ah. It?s the Custom Poke ball I ordered? I had read about a custom Poke ball maker called Kurt. He lived in Johto, an area to the west of Kanto. Then Robert ran in.
?I almost forgot to come! What did you want Gramps??
?What? O right! I have a request for the two of you. On the desk here is my invention. The PokeDex. It automatically records data on Pokemon you?ve seen or caught. It?s a high tech encyclopaedia. Kirby, Robert Take these with you. You can?t get detailed information on Pokemon just by seeing them. You must catch them to get complete data. So here are some tools for catching Pokemon? Oak pulled out 10 Poke balls. He gave 5 to me and 5 to Robert. He continued
?When a wild Pokemon appears its fair game. Just throw a Poke ball at it to try and capture it! It won?t always work however. A healthy Pokemon can escape. You must be lucky! To make a complete guide to all the Pokemon in the world?It was my dream. But I?m too old, I can?t get the job done. So I want you two to fulfill my dream. Get moving you two. This is the greatest undertaking in Pokemon history!?
?Alright, Gramps. Leave it to me! Kirby I hate to say it, but you won?t be necessary to do this. I know I?ll borrow a town map form my Sis! I?ll tell her not to lend you one Kirby. Don?t even bother going round to my place after this? With that he ran out of the Lab.