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Ok Before I start, id rather people replied to me through PM or not at all. Id rather not have the thread cluttered with non relevant posts. if you are going to post, make it to the point and not off topic.

Hello. I?m Starbucks and I?m going to take you on one of my many Adventures into the world of Pokemon. Let?s get going!

I woke up on the morning of my 11th birthday anxious to get going. Today was going to be my first day as a Pokemon trainer. I had to go and find Professor Oak first though. I live in a small village called Pallet Town. It is the South west of a country called Kanto. My name is Kirby. I have studied Pokemon for my entire life, and after my brother picked a brand new Pokemon 3 years ago he has gone on to become one of the best trainers in the world with 7 badges. His team was tough. I wanted to emulate him in every single way.

However, to do that I must overcome my arch rival and next door neighbour, Robert. He is Professor Oak?s grandson and has been working with Pokemon for longer than I have. I had often sat on the Outskirts of Pallet town and looked into the distance to see wild Pokemon living and playing together. I have always wanted to train them. I want to be the best. Through all of my research from my brother?s team to encyclopaedias and asking my Dad questions, I have formulated an almost perfect team. However it would take me a long time to reach for that team. I withdrew the Potion I had stored in the PC and left the house.

I headed out to Professor Oak?s laboratory in the south east of Pallet town. He wasn?t there, but one of his Aides said he was working out on Route One. So I headed to the north of the village to see if I could see him. I had never ventured out into the grass before, but I had to. Suddenly Someone Shouted form behind me.
?Hey! Wait! Don?t go out! Wild Pokemon live in long grass! I turned around. Prof Oak was running towards me.
?You need your own Pokemon for your own protection! I know, here come with me!?
I followed him to the Lab. When we got there Robert was already waiting. He had the same birthday as me.
?Great? I thought. ?He is bound to pick the starter who is better than mine??
As Oak reached a desk with 3 Poke balls on, Robert started to complain.
?C?mon Gramps! I?m fed up with waiting!? Oak responded with
?Robert? Let me think?O I remember now. I told you to come. Just wait? I could see Roberts face screw up at the thought of waiting much longer. I stifled a laugh. Oak continued
?Here, Kirby. There are three Pokemon here. The Pokemon are held inside these Poke balls. When I was young I was a serious Pokemon trainer. But now in my old age, I only have these three left. You can have one. Go on! Chose!?
Robert jumped in.
?Hey, wait up! What about me?!? Oak replied, ?Just be patient you can have one too!?
I walked over to the desk and read about each Pokemon. There was a Grass type, Bulbasaur which looked like dinosaur with a seedling on its back.
Next there was a Squirtle, a Water type that looked like a turtle,
and finally a Charmander, a Fire type, that looked like a baby dragon.
I thought about it for a moment and about what my brother had had to face in the first gym. Brock, he used Rock type. My brother had an easy time beating him as he had chosen Bulbasaur. Grass types are strong against rock types. Water was also strong against Rock. But I wanted to have a challenge, so I picked the fire type, Charmander. Immediately Robert walked over and grabbed the Squirtle Poke ball. Water is strong against Fire. But I hoped the Pokemon weren?t at very high levels?.I tried to leave, but Robert yelled after me,
?Wait, Kirby! Let?s check out our Pokemon! C?mon I?ll take you on!?
I had learnt form my Brother how to battle effectively. So I knew I could beat him. I hoped. I also had the potion to use if necessary.
?Go! Squirtle!? he shouted.
?Let?s go Charmander!? I responded. The Pokemon were small. But they looked tough.
?Charmander! Scratch!? Charmander launched himself at Squirtle. Squirtle took the hit, and got up.
?Squirtle! Tackle!? Robert shouted. Squirtle launched a full body attack at Charmander. Charmander took the hit. I told him to use Scratch again; Squirtle was now approaching half HP (Hit points).
?Squirtle, Tail Whip!? Squirtle turned and waved his tail at Charmander. This caused Charmander?s Defence to fall by one point. After 2 more turns, Charmander was on 3 HP. I needed to be faster on my final turn to win. If I missed I lost. Scratch hit. Squirtle tried to get up, but couldn?t. Robert withdrew him. Charmander gained 70EXP points and grew to level 6! Robert responded with,
?WHAT? Unbelievable! I picked the wrong Pokemon! Fine. I?ll battle my Pokemon lots to make it tough! Kirby, Gramps, Smell ya later!? With that he ran out of the Lab. I walked out of the Lab and went to see my mom.

She healed my Pokemon for me, and I headed out onto Route 1. I had to head north to Viridian City. It had a Gym and a Pokemon Centre and a PokeMart where I could buy Poke Balls to capture wild Pokemon! As I headed up Route 1, I talked to the people who littered the route. One was form a PokeMart and gave me a free potion! I carried on walking through the grass when a Pidgey appeared!
?Charmander, Go!? I said. The battle was short. I beat the Pidgey and gained more experience. However it had weakened Charmander and I decided to run form my next battle, a Level 2 Rattata. When I reached Viridian city, my first call was the Pokemon Centre to make sure Charmander could battle more. I then headed to the PokeMart. The man at the counted shouted at me.
?Hey, you are from Pallet Town right??
?Yes? I answered
?You know Prof Oak??
?Yes, what do you need done??
?His order came in. Can you take it to him? We don?t have anyone to go to pallet own at such short notice?
?Sure? I replied and wondered what Oak had ordered. I guessed it could be something special. I headed out of the mart and headed back south to Pallet Town. It was much faster going back as you could jump over the walls that were across the route. I ran into a Lv 2 Rattata and beat it easily.
Charmander grew to Lv 7 and learnt Ember. A not so powerful Fire type move. It would come in useful in my next battle. I came across another Rattata and decided to use the Ember move. It caused the Rattata to faint on the first hit. It was surprisingly strong!

I reached Oak?s Lab and he asked about my Pokemon. I showed him Charmander.
?It seems to be growing more attached to you. You must be talented as a Pokemon trainer? I turned and got the parcel out of my Bag. ?What?s that? You have something for me? Ah. It?s the Custom Poke ball I ordered? I had read about a custom Poke ball maker called Kurt. He lived in Johto, an area to the west of Kanto. Then Robert ran in.
?I almost forgot to come! What did you want Gramps??
?What? O right! I have a request for the two of you. On the desk here is my invention. The PokeDex. It automatically records data on Pokemon you?ve seen or caught. It?s a high tech encyclopaedia. Kirby, Robert Take these with you. You can?t get detailed information on Pokemon just by seeing them. You must catch them to get complete data. So here are some tools for catching Pokemon? Oak pulled out 10 Poke balls. He gave 5 to me and 5 to Robert. He continued
?When a wild Pokemon appears its fair game. Just throw a Poke ball at it to try and capture it! It won?t always work however. A healthy Pokemon can escape. You must be lucky! To make a complete guide to all the Pokemon in the world?It was my dream. But I?m too old, I can?t get the job done. So I want you two to fulfill my dream. Get moving you two. This is the greatest undertaking in Pokemon history!?
?Alright, Gramps. Leave it to me! Kirby I hate to say it, but you won?t be necessary to do this. I know I?ll borrow a town map form my Sis! I?ll tell her not to lend you one Kirby. Don?t even bother going round to my place after this? With that he ran out of the Lab.

Steam ID: rct2100 360 Gamertag: DHR107 Contact me for Wii/DS Friend codes
Resident Scrooge/Grinch :)

Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:48 pm 
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I headed north once again. However, now a Pidgey was on my hit list for my next Pokemon. If I encountered one I would capture it. I encountered one on my first few steps back into Route 1. It was only at Lv 2, but I needed it and I had only been encountering Rattata?s for the last few battles which I ran from. I didn?t need Charmander to get to strong and be able to kill low Level Pokemon in one hit. I used scratch, but it scored a critical hit (which causes twice as much damage) and it fainted. I had to look for another one now. I ran into a second Lv 2 Pidgey, but one scratch lowered to just beyond half HP. This was a problem as I couldn?t attack it again without killing it. So I threw a Poke ball.

It broke free immediately. So I used scratch again. Indeed it fainted, but then I ran into an Lv 3 Pidgey. This was my chance. I weakened it more than the other Pidgeys and threw a ball. It wobbled once, twice, three times.
I had caught the Pidgey! Its data was added to the PokeDex:
Pokedex wrote:
It does not like to fight. It hides in tall grass and so on, foraging for food such as small bugs

I ran back to the Pokemon Centre in viridian to heal the injured Pidgey. It was now in my team. I looked at his stats.
I needed to train with him now. I decided to go and see the door of the gym to see if anyone was around. However, some old man started to talk to me. He started going on about how he had drunk his coffee and how he felt really good now. He decided to show me how to catch a Pokemon. I really didn?t need the show but he forced me to watch. A Weedle appeared out of nowhere. After he caught the Weedle, he gave me the Teachy TV. He said ?If there is anything you need to know watch that. It?s bound to help? I decided to walk away calmly and not think about him to much. I walked around to the Viridian gym door, but it was locked. I was a bit shocked. I decided to call my brother to ask about the Gym.
?Hello?? he said.
?HI! Bet you didn?t think you?d hear form me today!? I explained what was going on and he said that viridian gym wasn?t the first, but the last Gym. He told me I had to head to Pewter in order to start my gym challenge. That was where Brock resided. He also said he was to busy training at the moment to come and see me. He was trying to find the final gym?s leader to challenge him. He had had no luck so far. He suddenly put the phone down with a clatter and a screech. I didn?t think much of it if he was training in some cave some where.

I decided to train my Pidgey dome more before I headed north to Viridian Forest and the trainers I was likely to meet in the forest. And the wild Pokemon!
I decided to use the ?Bait and switch? method to train Pidgey at first.
This involved sending Pidgey out and then withdrawing him in the first round so Charmander could do the majority of the battling. EXP points are split equally between battles so Pidgey would grow slowly, but stronger. I changed the Route I was training on and found a Lv 5 Spearow. It was a lot stronger than the other wild Pokemon I had faced up to this point. Although it didn?t take long to kill, I didn?t think wild Pokemon could be that strong. All the Pokemon I?d met up to this point were 2 or 3. It didn?t matter, Charmander was now on level 8 and he beat the Spearow easily. After a few more battles, Pidgey had grown to level 5. I decide to head north to Viridian forest to try and find a Pikachu. They were rare in viridian forest but could be found. It would be a great addition to my team. And useful against Robert?s Squirtle!

Viridian Forest was the only route to Pewter at the moment. I didn?t have the Cut HM so couldn?t hack down the trees. I had to go through the Maze. I headed into the grass to find a Pikachu. I doubted I would find one, but id look until I did. While I was there I?d be able to fight Kakuna?s and Metapod?s that couldn?t fight back. Cruel but true. I finally found a Pikachu! It was level 3, but it was plenty powerful. It took my Pidgey out quickly with Thundershock. I got a chance to use a Tackle, but it lowered its health just past half. I threw a Poke ball regardless. It wobbled 3 times and I had caught him!
PokeDex wrote:
It has small Electric sacs on both its cheeks. If threatened it loses Electric charges form the sacs

The only thing was now? I had three Pokemon that were weak against Brock?s Rock/Ground types. I ran back to Viridian to heal my new Pokemon. I looked at Pikachu's stats
They were good. Especially his speed. 10 for a Lv 3 was a vast amount.

Steam ID: rct2100 360 Gamertag: DHR107 Contact me for Wii/DS Friend codes
Resident Scrooge/Grinch :)

Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:10 pm 
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I headed back to viridian Forest to do some more training. Pikachu would be an invaluable member for my team. His Electric power would be able to wipe out Water and Flying types with ease. Just what Robert had at this stage. After I got Pikachu to Lv. 6 I headed back to Viridian again. I healed and headed out onto the west route out of Viridian. I had no idea what was down this route. Little did I know Robert would be waiting for me.
?Hey, Kirby! You?re off to the Pokemon League? Forget about it! You probably don?t have any badges, do you? The guards won?t let you through without them. By the way, did your Pokemon get any stronger?? With that he threw a Poke ball into a battle. His Poke ball opened to reveal a Pidgey. It was at Lv 9.
?Let?s go! Pikachu!? as I threw his poke Ball into the fight.
?Pikachu, Thundershock!? His cheeks glistened and a streak of lightening streaked out and headed towards the in flight Pidgey. It hit with tremendous force.
It wiped the opposing Pidgeys HP down to half!
?Grrr. Pidgey! Use Sand Attack!? Pidgey flew towards the ground and suddenly started flapping sand and dust towards Pikachu. Pikachu?s accuracy was reduced. I didn?t care, I told him to use Thundershock again. The Pidgey fainted. Promoting Pikachu to Lv 7!
?Pidgey, Return. Go, Squirtle!? Robert shouted. It seemed he was loosing his temper. I decided not to switch and see if Pikachu could perform a whitewash of kills. Robert?s Squirtle was also at Lv 9. Pikachu?s Thundershock did a bit of damage but not nearly enough.
?Squirtle, Tackle!? I braced myself. Pikachu?s defence isn?t the best ever. However, it didn?t do too much damage.
I was looking hopeful. Squirtle?s attack on Pikachu however did hand me an even larger advantage. Pikachu?s ability, Static, cause?s paralysation to anything that makes physical contact with him. It was getting better. The next Thundershock took Squirtle down to about 1/3 HP.
?Squirtle, Tail Whip!? Robert was seeming to get more and more frustrated. I would win with the next move anyhow. Then the battle handed me a true twist of fate. Thundershock was avoided by Squirtle and Tackle caused a lot of damage due to the Tail Whip. I woke up. The battle was pretty boring up to this point. But now it had come alive. I knew I had both Pidgey and Charmander in reserve so in wasn?t going to lose. Pikachu?s last Thundershock (to add insult to injury) was also a critical hit, meaning it scored double damage. I had beaten Robert again. I wondered how he felt.
?Grrr! Darn you. Ill have to battle more and extend my team! I heard the Pokemon League Is crawling with tough trainers. I have to figure out how to get past them. You should quit dawdling and get a move on!? With that he ran off again. ?Till we next meet? I thought. I headed back to Viridian after the battle. I then thought about heading towards Pewter to battle Brock. But I knew I wasn?t strong enough. I would have to do a lot of training in Viridian Forest to be able to beat him.

I headed into Viridian Forest once more. I had a rough idea where to go and was happily going about getting through when someone spotted me.
?Hey! You have Pokemon?! Come on! Let?s battle ?em!? with that Bug Catcher Rick sent out a Lv 6 Weedle.
?Let?s go! Pidgey! Pidgey, Tackle!? It flew at the Weedle.
It hit and did a reasonable amount of damage.
?Weedle, use String Shot!? Pidgey became ensnared in a sticky string-like substance and his speed dropped. This gave Weedle the advantage.
?Weedle, Poison Sting!? Weedle?s round head had a stinger on it that secreted venom. It poisoned Pidgey! This would mean I would slowly loose HP every turn and after the battle had ended! Pidgey used tackle again and the Weedle fainted. I didn?t want to switch Pidgey out, it was better him fainting than being poisoned. I thought about my options. I hadn?t stocked up on Items such as Antidote and Awakening. I would get these when I rushed back to Viridian.
?Return Weedle! Let?s go Caterpie!? A small green worm like Pokemon appeared.
?Caterpie, String Shot!? I wondered why he used that move when he was already faster than me due to the previous shot. He was then continuously using Tackle until the Poison took Pidgey out.
Now I had to switch. I choose to send out Charmander with the awesome Ember move.
With him defeating the Caterpie he grew to Lv 9! I had beaten him.
?Oh. Caterpie can?t hack it! Ssh! You?ll scare all the bugs away! Another time maybe!? with that he scurried off into the undergrowth. I ran back to Viridian at full speed. I wanted Pidgey to be okay.

Steam ID: rct2100 360 Gamertag: DHR107 Contact me for Wii/DS Friend codes
Resident Scrooge/Grinch :)

Sat Aug 05, 2006 7:16 pm 
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Nurse Joy saw to my injured Pokemon and then I headed to the PokeMart again. I bought 4 antidotes and 4 more Poke balls. They would last me some time I hoped. I headed back towards viridian Forest. I ran past the trainer I had beaten before and saw another one. I wanted to challenge him this time.
?Hey! Want to battle?? I shouted so he turned around,
?Yo! You can?t jam out here if you?re a Pokemon Trainer!? With that he threw out a Poke ball. Bug Catcher Doug was his name. His first Pokemon was a Lv 7 Weedle. He kept on using String Shot to lower my Pidgey?s speed. It was rather annoying. Pidgey?s Tackle was doing fair amounts of damage though! I beat him with a Critical Hit. Pidgey grew to Lv 8! He decided to send out another Weedle. I decided to switch out to Pikachu. This would be interesting. Pikachu?s electrical attacks would do fair amounts of damage, but I had no idea how much.
?Pikachu! Thundershock!? I said and Pikachu let rip with the attack. Blue sparks raced form his cheeks and hit the Weedle. A lot of damage was caused. The foe used Poison Sting. I was worried about Pikachu getting poisoned, but not as much because I had the handy Antidote to hand. It would cure him of any form of poisoning. With a third Thundershock the Weedle fainted. Pikachu grew to Lv 8! And he learnt Thunder Wave, a move that would paralyse the foe without doing damage. Bug Catcher Doug had a Kakuna as his last Pokemon. I decided not to switch.
?Go! Kakuna!? he shouted as the Poke ball flew into the field and released a yellow cocoon. It was also at Lv 7. From my research, it had only just evolved. The only move it had was Harden. This caused its Defence to rise. This had no effect against Pikachu?s attacks, because they were Special moves. They used the stats for Special Attack and Special Defence. This gave me the advantage because he couldn?t deal any damage to Pikachu. With 2 Thundershocks, the Kakuna fainted.
?Huh? I ran out of Pokemon! That totally stinks. I?m going to catch some stronger ones!? With that he ran into the long grass to hunt for more Pokemon. I carried on further into the forest. I ran into another trainer who spotted me.
?I might be little, but I won?t like it if you go easy on me! Let?s go, Caterpie!? At Lv 7, this was a similar strength to the Weedle?s I had previously battled. However, form my knowledge it didn?t have the annoyance of Poison Sting. I decided to send out Pidgey once more. His Tackle move was getting stronger, as was he. Pidgey killed the Caterpie with ease and grew to Lv 9. He learnt Gust as a reward. Bug catcher Anthony was about to use a Caterpie again. I decided to see how strong the new Gust move was?It was strong. If it hadn?t been for the Caterpie being at Lv 8, it would have made it faint. I defeated him with comparative ease. My party was getting stronger and stronger.
?Oh, boo. Nothing went right! I lost some of my allowance to you?? he trailed off. I decided not to wait and continued through the forest. Another trainer was searching for something in the trees near the exit of the forest. I went over and talked to him to make him battle.
?Did you know Pokemon evolve?? he asked, before sending out a Lv 7 Metapod. Another cocoon, this time green appeared.
?Pikachu! Thundershock!? Pikachu let rip with his move. The Metapod was defenceless and couldn?t even move. I felt sorry for the poor thing. The Thundershock paralysed the Metapod. After defeating it, Pikachu grew to Lv 9. Bug catcher Charlie was going to use Caterpie. I wondered why seeing as he?d just said about Pokemon evolving. I left Pikachu out and carried on the battle. His final Pokemon was another Metapod. I left Pikachu out to claim all three kills. And the battle win.
?Oh! I lost! Bug Pokemon evolve quickly. They?re a lot of fun!? he said. I walked on through the forest. I decided to switch so Charmander was at the top of my team. I needed him as strong as possible to fight Brock. Another trainer decided to battle me.
?Hey, Wait up! What?s the hurry? Why the rush?? he did not know I wanted to get to Pewter as fast as I could. Bug Catcher Sammy responded by sending out a Lv 9 Weedle. Charmander?s Ember wiped it out in one hit.
?Oh no. I need to find more Pokemon. Sometimes you can find stuff on the ground. I?m looking for the stuff I dropped, can you help me?? I responded by saying no, and whatever I found I would keep. I eventually found a potion. Before I did though, Charmander grew to Lv 10. He was now getting very strong.

Once I had reached Pewter City, my first port of call was the Pokemon center as usual. I then headed back down on to Route 2 to train my Charmander more. He needed to be much stronger to face the Gym Leader, Brock. I eventually decided to head back into Viridian Forest to train. The wild Pokemon were much stronger there. Before long Charmander was at Lv 11. Not long after that it was at Lv 12. I was hoping to get it to Lv 13, where it learnt the move Metal Claw. It was a Steel type move that was super effective against Brock?s Rock types. Once Charmander had reached Lv 13 I decided I might as well try to evolve him. More training was needed for him to reach LV 16.
I finally decided to get everyone else to Lv 12 before facing Brock. It would take some time, but it would be worth it. Before long everyone was at Lv 12. I hoped I could cream Brock now.
I headed back to Pewter City. I would now take on Brock so I could continue my journey. I headed into the Gym. Lots of rocks were gathered around the Gym floor. I could see Brock sitting at the end of the Gym. I wanted to battle him alone and no other trainers. There was man standing near the entrance. He had no Poke balls at his waist, so I went over and talked to him.
?Hiya! Do you want to dream big? Do you dare dream of becoming the Pokemon Champ? I?m no trainer, but I can advise you how to win. Let me take you to the top!? I agreed to listen to what he had to offer me.
?Alright, let?s get happening! The first Pokemon out is the Pokemon at the left of the Pokemon List. By changing the order of your Pokemon, you may gain an advantage. Try different orders to suit your opponents party? I listened to him and then he stopped. I turned and looked at the post near the entrance. Across it was scribed:


I walked around the back of the single trainer in the gym to come face to face with Brock, the first Gym Leader.
?So, you?re here. I?m Brock. I?m Pewter?s Gym Leader. My rock-hard will power is evident even in my Pokemon. My Pokemon are all rock hard, and have true-grit determination. That?s right. My Pokemon are all the Rock type! Fuhaha! You?re going to challenge me knowing that you will lose? That?s the Trainers honour that compels you to challenge me. Fine then! Show me your best!? With that he started the battle. He sent out a Lv 12 Geodude to start with.
?Let?s go! Charmeleon!?
?That?s brave? he chuckled. I decided to let rip with my newest move. Metal Claw. It ripped into the Geodude?s HP and nearly halved it. A Critical hit told the end of Geodude.
?Ah! So that is what you will do. There is no way a Fire type can beat me!? with that he released an Onix. A truly enormous Pokemon, 28Ft of pure power was unleashed from his Poke Ball. I swallowed hard. At Lv 14 it was the strongest Pokemon I had come across. By a long way. I switched out to Pidgey to try and make my plan work.
?Ha, a flying type? That wont work! Onix, Rock Tomb!? It missed luckily.
?Pidgey! Sand Attack!? he swept close to the floor and kicked up dust and sand into Onix?s face. It lowered his accuracy. I kept on using it until he finally hit with Rock Tomb.
?Ha! Looks like were even at the moment! Hahaha! You cant win now!? I started to relax, my plan was working perfectly. I now sent out my Pikachu.
?Ha! An Electric type? I really do hope you are better than your giving me insight into. You know Electric types can?t affect my Onix don?t you?? He gave a smile.
?Yes I do, Pikachu, use Tail Whip!? My plan was to lower his Onix?s defence as much as possible so Charmeleon could hammer him.
?Tail whip?? he questioned, ?I hope you have a plan? his rock tomb hit once, and I kept using Tail Whip. He finally killed off my Pikachu with Rock Tomb. This was my time to win.
?Lets go, Charmeleon!? he appeared breathing flames and looking angry.
?Back to the Fire type with the Steel move huh? Ah well, Onix! Rock Tomb!? It missed again. Finally it was my chance.
?Metal Claw!? Charmeleon leaped forward and smashed Onix with his steely clawed hand. Onix?s HP went to zero instantly.
?What?! This cant be possible! Your plan was intriguing!
?Thanks? I had overcome the power of his Rock type Pokemon.
?I took you for granted, and so I lost. As proof of your victory, I confer on you this?the Official Pokemon League Boulder Badge. Just having the Boulder Badge makes Pokemon more powerful. It also enables the use of the HM Flash out of battle. Of course, a Pokemon must know the move Flash to use it? I turned to leave.
?Wait! Take this with you. A TM, Technical Machine, contains a technique for Pokemon. Using a TM teaches the move it contains to a Pokemon. A TM is good for only one use. So, when you use one, pick the Pokemon carefully. Anyways?TM39 contains Rock Tomb. It hurls boulders at the foe and lowers its speed. Thank you for the great battle? I turned and walked out of the gym.

I headed straight to the Pokemon center. I healed my three Pokemon and continued onwards. I stopped at the PokeMart to stock up on supplies for the road ahead. I headed out on the only Route out of Pewter. As I neared the path out, a scientist came running towards me.
?Oh! Kirby! I?m glad I caught up to you. I?m Professor Oak?s Aide. I've been asked to deliver this, so here you go? He handed me a pair of shoes. ?You can now Run instead of walk everywhere. It?ll really speed you up! Well, I must be getting back to the lab. Bye-Bye!? with that he headed back towards Pewter. I looked at the shoes. There was a letter attached to them.

[i]Dear Kirby,
Here is a pair of Running Shoes for my beloved challenger. Remember, I?ll always cheer for you! Don?t ever give up!
From Mom[/i]

I nearly cried reading the letter. I had only been away form home for a few days, but I wanted to go back and see her. But I didn?t. I carried on into Route 3.

Steam ID: rct2100 360 Gamertag: DHR107 Contact me for Wii/DS Friend codes
Resident Scrooge/Grinch :)

Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:06 pm 
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Years of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membershipYears of membership

Joined: Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:40 pm
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Open the door...
Spaghetti fell out of my pockets.
Then I realised, I am spaghetti

Skillers wrote:
Oh gawd no! Not the crazy frog! Arghhhhhh! $&^%&*^%*&#$^ %$(%^((% %$(O*%(#*%^ %)*#$&%)*@#% %_(#&%*%) frog

Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:26 pm 
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